PWRS 2/7/25 10:10pm ET ENE 6 G 11mph 41.1°/34.1°/76.0%/ HIX 44.8° WCI 37.1° SLP 30.213" SLP trend past 3-hours Rising SLP trend past hour 0.001"
PKWND 26mph 10:27am ET P 0.00" 7 0.13" Daily MaxT 69.0° at 1:03pm Daily MinT 40.9° at 10:04pm ET
PWRS 2/7/25 10:10pm ET Wind ENE 6 gusting to 11mph
Temperature 41.1°F Dew Point Temperature 34.1°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 44.8°
Wind Chill Temperature 37.1° Sea-level Pressure 30.213" Trend past 3-hours Rising Trend past hour 0.001"
Peak Wind 26mph at 10:27am ET Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.13" Daily Maximum Temperature 69.0° at 1:03pm
Daily Minimum Temperature 40.9° at 10:04pm ET = | Email: Web:
In the expanded metar string above, mph denotes miles per hour, - in front of pressure change
indicates a decreasing value, M denotes missing data