   Weather Records
    Portsmouth, Virginia

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In the West Cradock section of Portsmouth at 4:02pm , 12/6/24, here are the latest conditions:

Dew Point Temperature
Relative Humidity
Wind Chill:
Current &
Lowest Today
Heat Index:
Current &
Highest Today
Barometric Pressure
Rainfall today
Yearly Rainfall
WNW 8 gusting to 13 mph
30.217" & Rising

Time 4:02pm  | Date 12/6/24
Sunrise 7:04am | Sunset 4:49pm
Moonrise 11:34am | Moonset 10:09pm |
Moonphase 6


Current 37.6
Average 38.0

High 39.5
Time of High 12:29pm
Low 25.6
Time of Low 7:26am

Rate -0.43
Rate High 0.79
Rate High Time 12:29pm
Rate Lo -0.60
Rate Lo Time 12:49pm

Dew Point:

Current 17.1
Average 17.2

High 19.2
Time of High 12:28pm
Low 11.4
Time of Low 12:13am

Rate -0.09
Rate Hi 1.53
Rate Hi Time 12:28pm
Rate Low -0.78
Rate Low Time 2:03pm

Relative Humidity:

Current  43.0
Average 42.4

High 62.0
Time of High 7:06am
Low 41.0
Time of Low 12:05pm

Rate 0.6
Rate Hi 2.8
Rate Hi Time 12:52pm
Rate Lo -1.2
Rate Lo Time 12:35pm

Barometric Pressure:

Current 30.217
Barometric Trend: Rising
Average 30.205

Max 30.252
Time of Max 9:55am
Min 30.145
Time of Min 12:22am

Rate 0.012
Rate High 0.012
Rate High Time 3:59pm
Rate Low -0.014
Rate Low Time 12:54pm

Wind Direction:

Current WNW
Average 308°

Wind Direction Hi 359°
Wind Direction Hi Time 12:28am
Wind Direction Lo 4°
Wind Direction Lo Time 12:28am

Rate 6.3
Wind Direction Rate Hi 100.7
Wind Directioin Rate Hi Time 1:04pm
Wind Direction Rate Lo -293.7
Wind Direction Rate Lo Time 12:04pm

Wind Speed:

Current 8 mph
Average 8 mph

High 27 mph
Time of High 9:30am
Low 3 mph
Time of Low 1:24am

Rate -0.1 mph
Rate High 9.5 mph
Rate High Time 1:34pm
Rate Lo -8.4 mph
Rate Lo Time 12:19pm

Wind Gust:

Current 13 mph
Average 17 mph

High 27 mph
Time of High 9:30am
Low 6 mph
Time of Low 1:00am

Rate -4.4 mph
Rate High 5.7 mph
Rate High Time 12:06pm
Rate Low -10.7 mph
Rate Low Time 4:00pm


Wind Chill:

Current 31.7
Average 32.4

High 36.4
High Time 2:55pm
Low 15.9
Low Time 7:24am

Rate -0.69
Rate High 4.84
Rate High Time 12:19pm
Rate Low -3.46
Rate Low Time 3:49pm


Yearly 48.90


Hourly 0.00


Daily 0.00

Heat Index:

Current 37.8
Average 38.2

Rate -0.39
Rate High 0.86
Rate High Time 12:29pm
Rate Low -0.54
Rate Low 3:53pm

High 39.7
High Time 12:29pm
Low 27.6
Low Time 7:26am

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