The Atlantic Coast Observer Network: 
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina


...Continued Warmer and Drier Than Normal Most Areas...Coastal Areas See Above Normal Precip
...Long-term, The Drought Continues...

Most of the stations throughout our region noted above normal temps and below normal rainfall. The exceptions were in an area from New Market to Woodstock and at many coastal areas. The remnants of two tropical systems- Isidore and Gustav- supplied much needed rainfall for many, but not all, stations throughout the area. Otherwise, summer continued well into the month with above normal temps almost everywhere. Lots of sunshine, too, comparatively speaking (most Septembers).

And on the 28th, Charleston reported a tornado. 

  • Susan Funk's, NWS AKQ September 2002 Hydrological Report
  • Kyle is 3rd longest lived tropical system! Member Russ Topping (Herndon) sends us this interesting data about recent TS/Hurricane Kyle: **Kyle is 3rd longest lived tropical system**
  • RANK  #DAYS  NAME/YEAR: 1     27.25  GINGER 1971; 2     24.75  INGA 1969; 3     21.75  KYLE 2002; 4.  20.75  CARRIE 1957 &  STORM 9 OF 1893;  5     20.25  INEZ 1966; 6    19.75  ALBERTO 2000; 7     19.50  STORM 4 OF 1926; 8     18.50  STORM 6 OF 1893; 9     18.00  STORM 2 OF 1930; 10    17.75  STORM 2 OF 1899
  • WxSolution Software Member Gary Oldham, AHB, sends these notes on Dan Hanson's software: "During September and October, I have been using WxSolution software with my Vantage Pro. This software, which works with the Vantage Pro, the Davis Weather Monitor II, Davis Weather Wizard, and the Heathkit 5001, produces great reports, including daily, monthly, and annual Local Climatological Data reports, daily, monthly, and annual wind roses, and strip charts of most data for periods up to 31 days (and a slightly different annual version.) I have no financial or other interest in this product other than finding it a fine tool for recording climatological data. You can see the results of this software at my site, and looking in the left navigation area for "Climate Records" (view September or October 2002) or under "Most Current Weather/Climate Data" and click on any of the links beginning with "WxS". This software is available for download for a 20 day trial at if you're interested. On this site are climatology reports from this software that date back to 1998 and nicely show how the annual reports show means and extremes. Needless to say, I'm very impressed with this product as a tool for the serious weather/climate enthusiast."
  • Drought Monitor Update:

  • Drought Seasonal Outlook from Climate Prediction Center:
  • OneMore Time !! Weather Stories in Find Check more recent weather related articles from the extensive list of links at
  • Wind Chill Chart (updated including new formula) Check this out at the NWS Wakefield website,
  • Reminder National Weather Service station data listed herein is preliminary and may be subject to change.  The data has not been certified and cannot be used in legal actions.  Only reports certified by the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC may be used for these purposes.

ACON VA/NC/SC Member Station Extremes - September 2002
Maximum Temperature
New Market
Norfolk (NOR)
North Carolina
Fayetteville, Raleigh (RAL), Wilmington
Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras
South Carolina
Columbia, Orangeburg
Columbia, Orangeburg

STN  A      B    C    D      E F     G    H I  J K L  M     N  O P Q R R1 S
AHB 85.7  66.7  76.2  96.4   2 52.5  7  12  0  0 0 38 E     3  4 0 0 0  0 2400
ANN 78.27 62.10 70.18 87    10 52   24   0  0  0 0 30 W    11  0 0 0 0  0 2400
BCB             67.3  90    10 42   12                                    2400
BRI 82.1  58.9  70.5  95     4 47   24   5  0  0 0             1 0 0 0  1 0515/1600
CEN 81.4  62.5  72.0  91    10 50   24   2  0  0 0 34 334° 11  2 0 0 0  2 1200/2400
CHO 79.8  58.0  68.9  93     4 45   24   2  0  0 0 29 300° 11  2 0 0 0  3 2400
DAN 81.3  61.1  71.2  92     4 49   13   1  0  0 0                        2400
DCA 81.7  64.3  73.0  92     4 55   24   3  0  0 0 41 330° 11  1 0 0 0  1 2400
IAD 80.7  57.5  69.1  91    10 45   24   1  0  0 0 37 330° 11  1 0 0 0  1 2400
FCH 81.7  63.7  72.7  92     4 56 13,24  3  0  0 0 25      11  0 0 0 0  0 2400
HAM 81.0  66.0  73.5  95     4 57   13   1  0  0 0                        2400
HRG 79.9  57.7  68.3  91.2  10 44.8 24   2  0  0 0 19 ENE  27  0 0 0 0  0 2400
HER 78.2  59.6  68.9  86.2  10 47.7 24   0  0  0 0 25      11 NR 0 0 0 NR 2400
HRN 77.4  59.2  68.2  87.4  10 47.2 24   0  0  0 0 32 NNW  11  1 0 0 0  0 2400 
LKU 81.3  56.6  69.0  95     4 44   12   2  0  0 0 22 N    15  0 0 0 0  0 2400
LYH 80.9  58.9  69.9  93     4 47 12,13  3  0  0 0                        2400
LXI 82.8  56.7  68.0  95.7   4 42.4 12   4  0  0 0 22 NNW  11  3 0 0 0  6 2400
NEW 85.67 55.93 69.30 95     3 41   13   8  0  0 0 35 N    11  1 0 0 0  4 1700
NPN 81.8  63.4  72.6  95     4 52   13   3  0  0 0             2 0 0 0  0 2300 
NOR 81.0  65.6  73.3  94     4 55   13   1  0  0 0             2 0 0 0  0 2400
ORF 80.1  68.0  74.1  94     4 57   13   1  0  0 0 33 050° 10  3 0 0 0  1 2400
POR 80.8  67.4  74.1  92     4 57   13   1  0  0 0 31 W     4  3 0 0 0  0 2400
MEC 86    62    74.0  98     4 54 24,30  6  0  0 0  5.8 NE 14  2 0 0 0  0 1800
RIC 81.3  62.3  71.8  94     4 52   13   1  0  0 0 31 170° 27  1 0 0 0  4 2400  
ROA 80.1  61.3  70.7  94    10 51 12,13  2  0  0 0                        2400
ROK 81.0  60.0  70.5  93    10 51 13,24  3  0  0 0 27 SW   27  1 0 0 0  1 2400
AKQ 82.9  61.0  72.0  94     4 48   13   2  0  0 0                        2400
WEE 89.3  61.2  75.2  92    16 50   13   0  0  0 0             1 0 0 0  1 0800/2000
WOO 77.0  59.7  68.4  88  4,11 51   24   0  0  0 0             3 0 0 0  4 0800
WSH 78.4  59.0  68.7  90.4  10 49.3 24   1  0  0 0 13 SE   11  1 0 0 0  0 2400
STN  A      B    C    D      E F    G     H I  J K L  M     N  O P Q R R1 S
AVL 77.6  59.9  68.8  90  4,10 50   10   2  0  0 0 35 150° 27  1 0 0 0  7 2400
CLT 81.7  64.8  73.3  92  4,11 59 8,13   2  0  0 0 33 170° 27  2 0 0 0  1 2400
ECG 82.2  66.6  74.4  90  4,11 54   13   2  0  0 0 44 020° 10  4 0 0 0  0 2400
FAY 83.8  66.6  75.2  93    11 61 12,13  2  0  0 0 32 240°  5  2 0 0 0  2 2400
GSO 79.9  63.7  71.8  92     4 54   13   1  0  0 0 33 180° 27  3 0 0 0  1 2400
HSE             76.7
LBT 84.2  67.1  75.6  93    11 63 11,21  2  0  0 0 28 190° 15  4 0 0 0  4 2400
RAL 82.8  62.6  72.7  93     4 52 12,13  1  0  0 0 25 SSE  27  2 0 0 0  0 1900
RDU 82.2  64.0  73.1  92     4 53 12,13  1  0  0 0 33 200° 27  1 0 0 0  5 2400
ROX 81.0  62.5  71.8  90     4 53   12   1  0  0 0 26 N    27  0 0 0 0  1 2100 
ILM 83.9  69.2  76.6  93    11 65  7,12  1  0  0 0 31 230° 16  5 0 0 0  2 2400
STN  A      B    C    D      E F    G     H I  J K L  M     N  O P Q R R1 S
CAE 85.3  69.6  77.5  96    11 62    11  4  0  0 0 32 200° 27  5 0 0 0  2 2400
CHS 86.4  71.6  79.0  95    11 67    22  3  0  0 0 32 200° 27  1 0 0 0  0 2400
CRE 84.6  70.6  77.6  94    11 66  7,30  1  0  0 0 33 190° 15  0 0 0 0  1 2400 
FLO 84.6  68.0  76.3  94    11 63 11,30  2  0  0 0 29 230° 27  2 0 0 0  1 2400
GSP 81.1  65.2  73.2  93 10,11 58 25,26  3  0  0 0 25 210° 14  4 0 0 0  3 2400
                                                   25 020° 20
OGB 85.5  69.0  77.2  96    11 62    11  5  0  0 0 31 160° 14  5 0 0 0  2 2400
STN  A      B    C    D      E F    G    H  I  J K L  M     N  O P Q R R1 S
TRI 83.6  59.2  71.4  94    10  49  12   6  0  0 0                        2400 
DAV 69.5  53.0  61.3  77     3  40  12  12  0  0 0             1 0 0 0  1 1900

(Please note the column denotations table below.)

STN  T     U       V      V1   W X   Y      Z  1  2 3    4    5      6       7        S 
AHB  3.96  1.96 28 2.22 28-29  8 1 25.27  0.0          0.0  2.5  30.389 21 29.760 24 2400
ANN  2.36  0.95 26 0.98 26-27  7 0 22.54  0.0          0.0  4.9  30.41   1 29.58  11 2400
BCB  4.37  1.16 26                 25.02  0.0          0.0  6.9                      2400
BRI  3.50  1.62 26 1.67 26-27    1 26.77  0.0          0.0  9.25 30.33     29.71     0515/1600
CEN  2.44  1.69 26 1.69    26  6 1 24.61  0.0          0.0  3.1  30.39   1 29.51  11 2400
CHO  3.44  1.66 26 1.75 26-27  9 1 23.93  0.0          0.0  0.0            29.55  11 2400 
DAN  1.07  0.63 26             4 0        0.0          0.0       30.30  30 29.63  27 2400
DCA  2.10          0.86  31-1  9 0 20.54  0.0          0.0  3.2                   24 2400
IAD  2.84  1.62 26 1.64 26-27  6 1 25.39  0.0          0.0  2.6            29.55  11 2400 
FCH  1.13  0.86 26 0.96 26-27  6 0 18.59  0.0          0.0  2.2                      2400  
HAM  4.80  1.90  1 1.90 26-27  5 2 32.28  0.0          0.0       30.30   1 29.70  10 2400
HRG  3.28  2.14 26 2.20 26-27  5 1 24.87  0.0          0.0  8.7  30.39  01 29.66  27 2400
HER  3.24  1.65 26 1.72 26-27  8 1 28.72  0.0          0.0  2.6  30.32   8 29.42  11 2400
HRN  2.86  1.56 26 1.60 26-27  8 1 28.13  0.0          0.0  2.4  30.367  1 29.588 11 2400 
LKU  2.05  1.20 26 1.20    26 11 1 28.60  0.0          0.0  7.5  30.32     29.57     2400
LYH  2.56  1.29 27 1.29 26-27 11 1 22.95  0.0          0.0  1.6  30.32  30 29.62  27 2400
LXI  3.52  1.81 26 1.97 26-27  9 0 29.18  0.0          0.0  6.5  30.33  30 29.62  27 2400
NEW  5.55  1.73 22             7 2 26.69  0.0          0.0  8.0                      1700
NPN  3.24  1.30 26 1.30    26  6 1 32.29  0.0          0.0 10.3  30.26   6 29.54  11 2300
NOR  7.69  4.89 16 4.95 15-16  8 2 39.57  0.0          0.0  9.0                      2400
ORF  6.69  3.79 16 3.79 15-16 10 2 35.24  0.0          0.0  7.4  30.27  30 29.54  11 2400 
POR  5.18  2.26 16 2.28 15-16 11 1 34.11  0.0          0.0  9.2  30.24 7,8 29.546 11 2400
MEC  2.67  1.25  1 1.27   1-2  7 1 25.55  0.0          0.0  8.1  30.06   7 29.19  27 1800
RIC  2.88  1.08  1 1.26  31-1  7 1 23.95  0.0          0.0  8.7  30.31  30 29.59  11 2400 
ROA  3.56  1.20 16 1.20 15-16 12 1 21.51  0.0          0.0  4.1  30.32  30 29.62  27 2400
ROK  3.82  1.30 26 1.30    26  9 1 26.97  0.0          0.0  4.0  30.30   1 29.65  27 2400 
AKQ  3.85  1.45 16            10 1 34.47  0.0          0.0  9.0                      2400
WEE  3.44  0.87 16 0.87    16  8 0 32.77  0.0          0.0  9.4  30.34   6 29.60 10, 1630
WOO  5.11  2.21 21 2.21 21-22  9 2 30.40  0.0          0.0 10.0  30.98  1, 30.38  11 0800
WSH  3.23  1.51 26 1.62 26-27  6 1 30.28  0.0          0.0  3.1  30.47   1 29.62  11 2400
STN  T     U       V      V1   W X   Y     Z   1  2 3  4     5       6       7        S 
AVL  6.05  1.31 14 1.58 14-15 10 1 36.09  0.0          0.0  1.6  30.29   8 29.60  27 2400
CLT  3.54  1.40 14 1.94 14-15  9 1 25.61  0.0          0.0  4.4  30.27  30 29.68  27 2400 
ECG  2.74  0.72 26 0.89 25-26 14 0 41.66  0.0          0.0  6.0  30.27  30 29.49  10 2400
FAY  5.35  3.59 18 3.59    18  9 1        0.0          0.0                           2400
GSO  3.75          1.79  31-1  9 0 27.16  0.0          0.0  8.2                      2400
HSE  7.76
LBT  1.99  0.81 14 0.81    14 11 0 30.08  0.0          0.0  0.0  30.22  30 29.70  27 2400
RAL  2.45          0.64  31-1 10 0 29.67  0.0          0.0 12.0  30.29   8 29.72  27 1900
RDU  3.48          2.16 15-16  7 1 29.40  0.0          0.0 12.3                      2400
ROX  3.35  1.53  1 1.53     1  7 1 31.23  0.0          0.0 12.0  30.40  30 29.69  11 2100
ILM  4.95  1.31 23 1.66 23-24 13 2 41.42  0.0          0.0  1.8  30.21   7 29.63  10 2400
STN  T     U       V      V1   W X   Y     Z   1  2 3  4     5       6       7        S 
CAE  7.36  2.37 14 2.53 14-15  9 3 35.35  0.0          0.0  5.0  30.22  30 29.69  27 2400 
CHS  4.92  2.65 25 2.91 25-26  8 2 46.69  0.0          0.0    T  30.18  30 29.72  11 2400 
CRE  4.54  1.30 25 1.30    25 11 2 29.03  0.0          0.0  0.0  30.20  30 29.67  10 2400
FLO  2.30  0.96 14 1.26 14-15  9 0 28.35  0.0          0.0  0.0  30.22  30 29.70  27 2400 
GSP  7.20  3.15 15 4.35 14-15  9 2 32.30  0.0          0.0  4.1  30.25  30 29.64  27 2400 
OGB  3.93  1.48 26 1.83 25-26 11 1 25.79  0.0          0.0  0.0  30.21  30 29.72  27 2400
STN  T     U       V      V1   W X   Y     Z   1  2 3  4     5       6       7        S 
TRI  2.79          1.17 25-26  9 0 27.17  0.0          0.0                           2400 
DAV  4.47  1.56 26            11 2 45.77  0.0          0.0 81.5                      1900


Annandale - Lowell reports: " Headlines: Since last year at this time only two of the last twelve months have had above average rainfall and both were less than +0.09 above the average. For the year we now have a deficit of 11.23 inches in precipitation and with last year's deficit of 7.84 inches we are still behind a total of 19.07 inches.

September was warm and still short on rainfall. The average mean temperature was 70.18 degrees, a departure of +2.63° F. It was the warmest September since 1998 and the third warmest in the last 22 years. The lowest temperature for the month was only 52°F. Over the past 22 years the lowest temperature here in September has always been in the 40's with 49°F been the previous record in 1988. The first nine months of this year have averaged so far +2.63°F above the average mean making for a very warm year. We had seven days with measurable precipitation; only four years have had less with four being the record. The September rainfall deficit was 1.79 inches. The 0.80 inches of rain on the 1st was the greatest amount to fall on September 1st in the last 22-years. Since last year at this time only two of the last twelve months have had above average rainfall and both were less than +0.09 above the average. For the year we now have a deficit of 11.23 inches in precipitation and with last year's deficit of 7.84 inches we are still behind a total of 19.07 inches. The 30mph west wind on the 11th at 1122 hours was associated with the passage of a cold front. The average barometric pressure for the month was 30.10 inches that was the highest since 1995.

September DAILY Records Tied or Broken- (22-Years of records) - August 2002 had 17 daily records: September had 1 daily LOW maximum, Sept. 1st; September had 1 daily HIGH minimum, Sept. 15th; September had 3 daily LOW range, Sept. 1st, 2nd, 15th; September had 1 daily HIGH precipitation records for the date, Sept. 26. " [ + - ]

Arlington - Dewey Walston of NWS WBC reports: " No records were established in September. September picked up where August left off. Temperatures this month were above normal and precipitation was below normal. Drought conditions continued over the area. Rainfall for the month was 1.69" below normal while average temps were 2.5° above normal. The average wind speed was 8.6 mph. [ + - ]

Blacksburg - NWS Blacksburg reports the monthly mean temp was 4.3° above normal while rainfall was 0.98" below normal. [ + - ]

Bridgewater - " The average temperature was 4.4° above normal. The precipitation was .1 inches below normal. Bridgewater is 3.01 inches below normal for the year. Although the precipitation was near normal, the month was quite dry. No rainfall occurred during the first two weeks. Most of the rain came on two days near the end of the month from the remnants of tropical storm, Isador. " - report from Clayton [ + - ]

Centreville - " The average daily temperature for September tried to hold the line by working out to be 6.2° above the 65.6°. That is within a degree of where the average dailies have been during the summer months this year. A maximum high of 91° on the 10th coupled with one more day with a max of 90° contributed quite a bit to us being 1.8° over our historical average high of 79.6°. The day-to-day highs were average to slightly above throughout the month with the nightly low's being much above where they ought to be. Our statistical average low temperature of nearly 52° was exceeded by 10.6° this month and came in a distant second to January which had an average nightly low of 13.2° above normal. September started off with a nice light rain on the first giving us 0.39" to get things started, and offering hope that our rain dance had done the trick. All thoughts of success in that department went by the way of the tipping bucket though when we had to wait another two weeks for so much as a 0.08" offering; about a year's supply for a cactus. During the first three weeks of the month we came up with less than half an inch of precipitation. Then on the 22nd and 23rd we were dealt a measly pair of 0.14's. Hey, that's up to _" of rain now for the month, we'll take it. Having over seeded and fertilized for the fall earlier in the month, everything was coming along just great. Brown seeds, brown grass, and its still only September; what a gardening genius. Our dry spell broke on the 26th when a twelve-hour soaking rain netted 1.69", or almost 70% of our monthly total of 2.44". Not the 3.99" we were told to expect, but probably about right for the amount of dancing I did. - notes from Paul [ + - ]

Charlottesville - The monthly average temperature was 0.3° below normal while rainfall was 1.41" below normal. The average wind speed was 3.4 mph. [ + - ]

Dulles - The mean temp was 1.8° above normal. The monthly rainfall was 0.98" below normal. Average wind speed, 5.7 mph. - from NWS WBC [ + - ]

Falls Church - " September 2002 was a warmer than average month with below normal rainfall. A front came through during the day on the 11th and my max wind gust was 25mph. The unusual thing about this month is I had no days with thunder. " - report from Erica [ + - ]

Hampton - Report from Dave: " Much needed precip with temps near normal. No station records were tied or broken. "

Harrisonburg - Terry sends these email notes: " Temperatures for September averaged 4.3° above normal. Total precipitation for the month was 3.28" which was .24" below normal. Yearly precipitation totals 24.87" which is 2.49" below normal. " [ + - ]

Herndon Bob notes: " My average max was 1° below, and the average min was 2° above, the normals for Dulles. My precip was 0.58" below "normal." Not a bad month, but again, the distribution was poor " [ + - ]

Herndon - " The monthly temperature was 0.9° above average and rainfall was 0.96" below average. Despite the above normal monthly mean temperature, of note was the fact that my station did not record a temperature above 87° once in the entire month of September. We had the remnants of Tropical Storm Hanna move through the area on the 14th and 15th. It made landfall in the Gulf of Mexico and was uneventful here. " - notes from Russ [ + - ]

Lexington - Scott from WREL notes: " Average temperature in Lexington was 68.0° which is 1° above normal. Rainfall for the month as 0.15 inches above normal. Hanna provided very little rainfall while Isidore dumped slightly over 2 inches thoughout most of the Southern Shenandoah Valley. Again, we'd like to let everyone know, WREL publishes tropical computer model maps on our web site. If you'd like to view, here is the address: Just remember the vagaries of computer model output and the fact that they are subject to large fluctuations. " - [ + + ]

Louisa - " What can I say about the weather here? Hot, dry...How dry was it ? It's so dry here, the fish are knocking on the door, askin' for a drink of water. But seriously folks ...Twenty-two days with highs in the 90's and 101° for the monthly high. Not a record but warm enough. Precipitation was right at our thirty year average...not much help when it comes all in one day ! " - report from Joe [ + +/-]

Lynchburg - Rainfall for the month was 1.42" below normal while the mean temp was 2.8° above normal. - from NWS Blacksburg
[ + - ]

Norfolk - NWS AKQ reported the mean temp at ORF was 2.0° above normal. Rainfall was 2.63" above normal. Rainfall for the year was 1.02" below normal. The average wind speed was 8.3 mph. [ + + ]

Portsmouth - The average temp for September was 1.6° in excess of the normal. Rainfall was 112% (+0.54") of the normal. Station records set in include: 10th - Maximum Minimum Temperature 76° [previously 75° in 1985] 11th - Maximum Wind Speed 25 mph [previously 23 mph in 1992] 15th - Maximum Minimum Temperature 73° [previously 72° in 1980] 23rd - Maximum Minimum Temperature 72° [previously 69° in 1980] 27th - Maximum Minimum Temperature 73° [previously 71° in 1976] The average wind speed was 2.83 mph from a dominant NNE direction. Sky cover for the month was 44.17%. For the year, mean temps are running about 2.3° above normal while rainfall was 3.66" below normal (90%). The long-term deficit is 12.06" (since September 2001). [ + + ]

Richmond - NWS AKQ reported the mean temp at RIC was 2.0° above normal. Rainfall was 1.10" below normal. For the year, rainfall was 10.18" below normal. The average wind speed was 6.8 mph. [ + - ]

Mechanicsville - Glenn notes: " T-storms occurred on the 4th and again on the 15th from Tropical Storm Hanna. Other than during those times, the month was fairly dry."

New Market = " We are about 2° warmer than usual for the month. Rain is about 2" above normal for the month. No rain to speak of for all most a month and than we finally got it. YEA!!!!!!!!!! Our pond has been bone dry for weeks and now we have a little water in it. Conserving water like crazy. So many people around here have lost their wells. We are on a well and just keep hoping the water will last. Thanks heavens for this last rain. " - notes from Joyce [ + - ]

Roanoke - Wendell notes: " Rains from Isidore brought 1.98" of rain. Total for the month 3.82" is 0.38" below normal. September was 2.0° above normal temperature and was very humid. " [ + - ]

Roanoke - NWS Blacksburg reports that the monthly mean temp was 2.9° above normal. Rainfall was 0.31" below normal. [ + - ]

Woodstock - " Warm (2/17) and wet (6/17), with two big rains that really soaked in. Rainfall this year is well within the normal range despite a dry fall and winter (2001-2002). " - notes from Lauck [ + + ]

North Carolina:

Asheville - from NWS GSP: The monthly mean temp was 3.1° above normal and the rainfall was 2.33" below normal. The average wind speed was 4.2 mph. Average relative humidity 80% while the average sky cover was 50%. [ + - ]

Charlotte - NWS GSP reports the mean temp here was 0.6° above normal and precip was 0.29" below normal. The average wind speed was 5.7 mph. [ - + ]

Elizabeth City - The Elizabeth City Coast Guard Station [ECG] reported an average wind speed of 8.5 mph. The mean temp was 1.1° above normal while rainfall was 1.81" below normal. - from NWS AKQ [ + - ]

Fayetteville - NWS RDU reports the average wind speed was 6.5 mph and the average relative humidity was 77% while the average sky cover was 40%.

Cape Hatteras - The average temperature in September 2002 was 76.7°. This was 1.2° warmer than the 1895-2002 average, the 32nd warmest September on record (1895-2002). 7.76" of precipitation fell in September. This was 2.39" more than the 1895-2002 average, the 24th wettest such month on record (1895-2002). - from NCDC [ + + ]

Greensboro - NWS RDU notes a mean temp here of 2.0° above normal. Rainfall was 0.55" below normal. The average wind speed was 6.0 mph. The average relative humidity was 79%. The average sky cover was 60%. [ + - ]

Lumberton - The average wind speed was 6.0 mph. The average monthly temperature 3.5° above normal while rainfall 2.62" below normal - from NWS ILM [ + + ]

Raleigh - NWS RAH reported the monthly average temp was 1.9° above normal while rainfall was 0.78" below normal. The average relative humidity was 76% while the average sky cover was 50%. - [ + - ]

Raleigh - Bob reports: " Uneventful month weather wise. As been the case lately, above normal temperatures in combination with below normal rainfall. Rainfall for the year is now 3.79" below normal. " - [ + - ]

Roxboro - Merriell notes: " September was slightly warmer than normal and still dry overall, with less than normal rainfall. Even with some beneficial rains, extreme drought conditions exits. " [ + - ]

Wilmington - From NWS ILM: The average temp was 1.5° above below normal while rainfall was a 1.84" below normal. The average wind speed was 6.9 mph. [ + - ]

South Carolina:

Charleston - NWS CHS reports the monthly mean temp was 2.9° above normal. Rainfall was 1.06" below normal. The average wind speed was 7.6 mph. A tornado was observed on the 28th. [ + - ]

Columbia - NWS CAE reports that the mean temp here was 2.8° above normal. Rainfall was a 3.42" above normal. The average wind speed was 5.8 mph. Average average relative humidity was 72% while the average sky cover was 60%. [ + + ]

Florence - The mean temp here was 1.7° above normal while rainfall totals were 1.37" below normal. The average wind speed was 6.6 mph. - from NWS ILM [ - + ]

Greenville-Spartanburg - The monthly mean temperature was 1.8° above normal while rainfall was 3.23" above normal. The average wind speed was 5.9 mph. The average relative humidity was 76% and the average sky cover was 50%. - from NWS GSP [ + + ]

North Myrtle Beach - The mean temp was 3.3° above normal while rainfall was 1.04" below normal. The average wind speed was 7.0 mph. RECORD HIGH TEMPERATURE SET ON 11TH (94). PREVIOUS RECORD HIGH 91 DEGREES SET IN 1950. - from NWS ILM [ + - ]

Orangeburg - NWS CAE reports the average wind speed was 5.6 mph. The average sky cover was 30% while the average relative humidity was 70%.

Nearby Cities:

Tri-Cities - The mean temp was 3.1° above normal while the monthly precip was 0.20" below normal. For the year, rainfall was 5.10" below normal. - from NWS MRX [ + - ]


A  maximum mean temperature T total precipitation (inches)
B  minimum mean temperature U maximum calendar day precipitation (inches)
C  monthly mean temperature U1 date of maximum calendar day precipitation
D  maximum temperature V date(s) of maximum daily precipitation
E  date(s) of maximum temperature V1 maximum 24-hour precip. & date(s)
F  minimum temperature W number of days with precip. >= .01"
G  date(s) of minimum temperature  X number of days with precip. >= 1.0"
H  days with maximum temperature >=90 Y year-to-date precipitation (inches)
I  days with maximum temperature <=32 Z maximum calendar day snowfall (inches)
J  days with minimum temperature <=32 1 date of maximum calendar day snowfall (inches)
K  days with minimum temperature <= 0 2 number of days with snowfall
L  peak wind gust (miles per hour)  3 number of days with snowfall >= 1.0"
M  direction of peak wind gust 4  total snowfall for month (inches)
N  date(s) of peak wind gust  5 total snowfall for 2001-2002 season (inches)
O  number of days with thunder  6 maximum barometric pressure (inches)
P  number of days with hail 6A date of maximum barometric pressure 
Q  number of days with glaze 7 minimum barometric pressure (inches)
R  number of days with ice pellets 7A date of minimum barometric pressure
R1 number of days with dense fog [1/4 mile and less visibility] (i) incomplete data
S  local observation time for temps/precipitation (M) Missing, if listed in data table
 ~ "about" E estimated
 +  additional indeterminate number of days NR not recorded

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     NWS Washington/Baltimore, VA/MD
     NWS Wakefield, VA
     NWS Blacksburg, VA
     NWS Raleigh, NC
     NWS Newport/Morehead City, NC
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     NWS Greenville-Spartanburg, SC
     NWS Columbia, SC
     NWS Charleston, SC
     NWS Morristown, TN

     National Weather Service Homepages

     $$$ National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC $$$


AHB    Ashburn, VA  - Gary Oldham  7/01 281' AMSL ROK   Roanoke, VA 6SW Wendell Prillaman  4/76
ANN    Annandale, VA 1 3/4 ENE - Lowell Koontz  12/90 AKQ    Wakefield, VA NWS Wakefield Municipal Airport 36-58-53N 077-00-04W 33M
DCA    Arlington, VA Washington, DC, Reagan National Airport 38-50-54N 077-02-03W 18M WSH   Washington, VA  David Yowell
BCB    Blacksburg, VA NWS Virginia Tech Airport 37-13N 080-25W WEE   Weems, VA 3WNW Francis J. Socey
BRI     Bridgewater, VA Clayton Towers WOO  Woodstock, VA 5NW Lauck Walton - 12/1/85
CEN   Centreville, VA Paul Bassett 1985  
CHO   Charlottesville, VA  Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport ASOS  (Rappahannock County) 38-08-18N 078-27-21W 192M AVL    Asheville, NC  Asheville Regional Airport 35-25-55N 082-32-15W 670M
DAN  Danville, VA, Danville Regional Airport, 36-34-22N 079-20-10W 175M  BRE    Brevard, NC 1SE Bob Keehn 1/1/90
IAD   Dulles - Washington-Dulles International Airport  38-56-05N 077-26-51W 93M  CLT    Charlotte, NC NWS Charlotte/Douglas International Airpot 35-12-48N 080-56-55W 220M
FCH    Falls Church, VA Erica Page - 3/7/94  
HAM    Hampton, VA 5NE Dave Kessel 1989 ECG  Elizabeth City, NC,  Coast Guard Air Station 36-15-47N 076-10-58W 11M
HRG    Harrisonburg, VA  Terry Slagle 5/2000 Altitude: 1306' FAY  Fayetteville, NC Fayetteville Regional Airport, 34-59-22N 078-52-48W 55M
HER    Herndon, VA R.M. Beall P- 10/76   T-  1/91 GSO   Greensboro, NC NWS Piedmont Triad International Airport 36-05-51N 079-56-37W 275M
HRN   Herndon, VA 4SW Russ Topping -  1985 LBT    Lumberton, NC  Lumberton Municipal Airport 34-36-26N 079-03-36W 37M
LXI     Lexington, VA  Scott M. Lancey, WREL Radio -  06/1996 RAL    Raleigh, NC 7NNW  Bob Woodson -  6/1/93
LKU     Louisa, VA 1N Joseph Bowers 1944 - NWS ID RDU   Raleigh-Durham, NC Raleigh-Durham International Airport 35-52-14N 078-47-11W 130M
LOU     Louisa, VA 6S John Bullock (about 1970) INACTIVE 1/1/02 ROX    Roxboro, NC 2SE Merriell A. Jay 1/93
LYH     Lynchburg, VA NWS Lynchburg Regional Airport 37-19-15N 079-12-24W 295M ILM     Wilmington, NC NWS New Hanover International Airport 34-16-06N 077-54-22W 9M
NEW    Newmarket, VA 2W Joyce Winfree CHS   Charleston, SC NWS Charleston Air Force Base 32-53-56N 080-02-26W 13M
NPN     Newport News, VA 7N Gary Leonard -  6/91 CAE    Columbia, SC NWS Columbia Metropolitan Airport 33-56-31N 081-07-05W 73M 
NOR     Norfolk, VA 3NE Jim Fentress 6/1/77 FLO    Florence, SC Florence Regional Airport 34-11-16N 079-43-51W 44M
ORF     Norfolk, VA 5NE 36-54-13N 076-11-31W 14M  1871 GSP   Greenville-Spartanburg, SC NWS Greenville-Spartanburg Airport 34-53-02N 082-13-15W 286M 
POR     Portsmouth, VA 36.81° North 76.33° West 3S Bill Trotter -  7/1/76 CRE    North Myrtle Beach, SC Grand Strand Airport 33-48-42N 078-43-26W 10M
MEC     Mechanicsville, VA Glen Martin 11/19/91 OGB   Orangeburg, SC  Orangeburg Municipal Airport 33-27-50N 080-51-13W 59M
RMD    Richmond, VA Roy Britt 8/22/83  
RIC     Richmond, VA Richmond International Airport 37-30-40N 077-19-24W 50M TRI     Tri-cities, TN  (Bristol / Johnson / Kingsport), Tri-City Regional Airport 36-28-47N 082-23-56W 474M 
ROA    Roanoke, VA Roanoke Regional Airport 37-19-01N 079-58-27W 362M DAV  Davis, WV Dave Lesher